Use your Venmo account to send money to The Ark at @thearkofsjc!
You can connect your Ralphs Rewards Card to the Ark! A percentage is donated based on the amount you spend per quarter. The Ark's Ralphs Community ID# is RE301.
The Ark of San Juan accepts stock donations through our broker, Fidelity Investments. When you are ready to donate, please contact the Ark at INFO@ARKOFSANJUAN.ORG OR (949) 388-0034 A volunteer will contact you with further instructions.
The Ark is self sustainable and money is our BIGGEST need. All of our operating revenue comes from donations, fundraising and adoption fees.
One major use of these funds is to pay the sizable bills we accumulate healing and caring for the cats and kittens we rescue. Donations can be made to our general fund or you can sponsor a specific cat in need.
Other funds are used to cover foster home costs, marketing, education, and community assistance, such as a low cost spay and neuter clinic. We are also happy to accept donations of pet supplies. Some examples are cat food, litter, kitten milk replacement, Royal Canin baby kitten food, and fortiflora. If you would like to donate supplies please contact us to find out current needs or check out our online wishlists: Wishlist or Wishlist.
Click on the "Donate" image at the top to make a PayPal-secure donation to The Ark (no PayPal account is needed). Please include the recipient (i.e. a particular animal) or reason for the donation (i.e. general fund, event tickets) in the Paypal comments.
Checks made out to The Ark of San Juan may be mailed to:
The Ark of San Juan
P.O. Box 117
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693
Please include the recipient (i.e. a particular animal) or reason for the donation (i.e. general fund, kitten supplies, fundraiser) in the check memo spot.
We are a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit group, so donations are tax deductible as applicable under tax laws. Please consult your tax advisor for details. Our Tax ID number is 83 - 0493818
Note: Any donation received in excess of the actual care expenses will be used for other current, or future, animals.
Ralphs Grocery Stores
Ralphs will donate a portion of every purchase when you link The Ark as your preferred recipient to your Ralphs card. That's all you have to do, there are no costs, and you then just shop like normal! You do need to relink to The Ark every September, and Ralphs only allows one organization to be tied to your Ralphs card.
Click the Ralphs logo above to learn how to set up your Ralphs Club card so a portion of every purchase directly goes to The Ark.
The Ark is continually holding a variety of fundraisers to assist the organization.
A charitable bequest is one of the easiest ways you can leave a lasting impact on the Ark of San Juan. A bequest may be made in your will or trust directing a gift to The Ark of San Juan Companion Animal Rescue.
Benefits of Your Bequest*
*check with your tax professional to determine actual benefits.
How Do You Make a Bequest?
A bequest is one of the easiest gifts to make. With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift to be made to The Ark of San Juan as part of your estate plan.
Bequest Language/Tax ID
If you are considering a bequest in your will, then the essential information you will need to give your attorney is as follows:
Name and address of the organization:
The Ark of San Juan Companion Animal Rescue
P.O. Box 117
San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693
Phone: (949) 388-0034
Tax ID Number: 83 - 0493818
Tax Status: Not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation
Your Bequest Options
A bequest may be made in several ways:
Making a Bequest of Your Retirement Assets
A retirement asset, such as an IRA account, makes an excellent bequest to us. If the IRA were given to your family, much of the value may be lost through estate and income taxes. By designating The Ark of San Juan Rescue as the beneficiary of all or part of your IRA (using a beneficiary designation form provided by your custodian), the full value of the gift is transferred tax-free at your death and your estate receives an estate tax charitable deduction.
The Ark of San Juan COMPANION Animal Rescue
P.O. Box 117 San Juan Capistrano, CA 92693 USA